

What does ICCT look for in an applicant?


  • Student who study conscientiously and achieve the highest possible academic performance that they are capable of;
  • Students upholding the basic principles and the ideals of the ICCT Colleges and contribute to the attainment of its objective;
  • Students who exercise their rights in a responsible manner, with due regard for the right of others;
  • Students who promote and maintain the peace and tranquility of the ICCT Colleges by obeying the rules on discipline and by exerting efforts to attain harmonious relationships with fellow students, faculty members and administrative personnel; and,
  • Students follow and abide by the ICCT Colleges Student Code and all the rules and regulations of the Institue, which may be issued from time to time.

What are the criteria for admissions?


Admission to ICCT Colleges is open to students who meet its academis standards and who agree to abide by its policies, rules and regulations. The act of enrollment confirms the fact that they have so agrees. The following students are ineligible for admission;
  • Those without honorable dismissal/certificate of transfer credentials or who have been refused admission in other schools for reason of academic deficiencies or discipline;
  • Those previously admitted to the ICCT Colleges but had been expelled or excluded because of disciplinary and/ or academic reasons;
  • Those suffering from highly infectious or communicable diseases;
  • Those transferring from private schools with neither government recognition nor permit.
  • Those with scars, burn scars, tattoo, and any other form of markings that are related to fraternity, sorority, gangs and illegal organization.
  • Those who have already graduated from ICCT Colleges unless permissions to enroll for a second course/degree is granted by the Registrar upon the recommendation of the Academic Affairs Office; and,
  • Those who are undesirable in the sole discretion of ICCT Colleges.

What can ICCT offer to the students?


  • As a FILIPINO SCHOOL, ICCT Colleges adheres to the educational provisions of the Philippine Constitution. It has a vital role of helping Filipino students actualize their indigenous values, qualities and potentials so that together with their fellowmen, they may contribute to the building of the Filipino nation.
  • ICCT Colleges also (a) encourages analytical thinking and sound judgment through various classroom activities provided by the different subject areas. Moreover, it at the same time (b) aims to create opportunities for the participation of students in actual activities that represent in miniature form the bigger endeavor of the outside world.
  • To these ends, ICCT Colleges includes in its curriculum subjects designed to instill in the students an awareness of home and community life, particularly the rights and duties of citizenship, in the hope of making them responsible Filipinos. It emphasizes self-discipline drawn from within rather than imposed from without in the hope of enabling them to help in the development of national strength. It inculcates in the students’ curiosity for national phenomena, both in and out of the classroom, and strengthens their knowledge with hands-on training for practical vocational skills in the hope of inspiring them to contribute to technological and manpower needs of the community and of the country as a whole.
  • ICCT Colleges, therefore, commits its educational endeavor to the individual student it educates, to the family and community of which the student is a member, and service to the Country and God.



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